Natural Migraine Management

Natural Migraine Management

We see numerous people in our office who are struggling with migraines, including one of our own staff who has dealt with them for over a decade. While pharmaceutical options have their place and can be effective managing the symptoms in some cases, we know that not...
Chiropractic and Your Immunity

Chiropractic and Your Immunity

If your family is anything like mine, there’s often the ever-present threat of someone bringing home an illness. Especially while we have young kids who are still developing their lifelong immunity. As the weather changes and the temperatures drop, it seems to...
Consider your back in Back-to-School prep

Consider your back in Back-to-School prep

Did the summer holidays fly by for anyone else, or just our household? With my wife being a teacher and my eldest son actively involved in various extracurricular activities, we’ve been immersed in the back-to-school preparations these past few weeks. I wanted to...
Work: 1, Brain: 0

Work: 1, Brain: 0

As we hit the home stretch of 2017, we often end up racing the calendar to complete those last office tasks before we scamper off for the break. As we tidy up our remaining projects for the year and prepare our workplaces and homes for our absence over the holidays,...